About This Project

About the project

CareFlight’s ‘Remote Trauma Course’ teaches Indigenous Australians how to effectively diagnose and treat critically injured individuals  in their communities before aeromedical help arrives.  It takes this workshop directly into remote Indigenous communities throughout the Top End at the invitation of land councils and remote Aboriginal  health organisations. More information can be found here


The course focuses on trauma scenarios typical to isolated areas of the Northern Territory, and teaching methods have been tailored towards Indigenous learning styles and cultural protocols. Training is delivered through theoretical sessions and practical scenarios incorporating storytelling, role play and yarning circles.


Each course trains up to 14 participants who learn lifesaving skills, including how to stem a catastrophic haemorrhage, manage burns, amputated limbs, crush and  spinal injuries, perform mass casualty triage, and communicate with aeromedical teams.


The workshop to be funded will be in the Laynhapuy homelands in late August 2024.


How the ABF helped

We have previously supported this course in creating pamphlets and flyers.

This current support is related directly to workshops and teaching, providing a grant of $2,000.


2024, Current